Category: Interior Design / Commercial / Offices

Khobar Office

Location: Khobar, KSA - Area: 200 Sq. m - Project year 2023

Dynamic Workspace

The design came to provide a lively and comfortable environment for better work by providing suitable spaces for leisure users.

Benefits of Open Office Spaces: Flexibility, Adaptability, and Collaboration

Open office spaces allow the design to be easily modified and the structure changed. Furniture and partition walls can be arranged in different ways to meet a company’s changing needs. This allows the office to adapt to changes in the number of employees and different work activities and also contributes to improving movement within the office. Employees can easily move between different areas and interact with each other more easily. This reduces obstacles and enhances work efficiency.

When you have one open space, it becomes easier for employees to communicate better and work as a team, which contributes to increased interaction, exchange of ideas, and innovation. 

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