Category: Interior Design / Commercial / Cafés & Restaurants

Gray Café

Location: Khobar, KSA - Project year: 2022 - Area: 150 sq. m

Power of Gray

Gray is a popular neutral color, and for good reason.
The range of gray color palettes gives you unlimited decorating options because it’s neutral and can be considered warm or cool.
The flexibility of gray means that it will work with a variety of colors and decorating styles.

Our Design

Gray metal-look tiles are a perfect solution to create a statement wall inside the coffee shop interior, bringing a dash of industrial chic and metropolitan vibes into the commercial setting.  necessary for creating an immersive customer experience.

2022-Gray Cafe

The contrast between floor and wall colors is harmoniously blended thanks to the modern lighting and bar furnishing necessary for creating an immersive customer experience.

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